The first step involved with the customisation of any of the Window Managers is to create your own .xinitrc file. Every time you start X it checks in your home directory for a file called .xinitrc. If this file is present it will use it, otherwise it will read the default file, /usr/local/X11R6.1/lib/X11/xinit. On most unix machines the system administrators would not let you anywhere near the default file, leaving you no option but to create you own. As you are both user and system administrator you can change the default file if you wish. Any changes you make to this file will effect every user on the system and not just you. It is for this reason that most people prefer to have their own personal configuration files in their home directory. The .xinitrc file tells the X Server which applications and most importantly which Window Manager you wish to run. A simple .xinitrc file would look something like listing 1. My preference is to keep things simple, so my .xinitrc file opens a single xterm window and an xconsole. The size and position of the windows are specified by the -geometry attributes. The file also contains entries for multiple window managers. Changing Window Manager is simply a matter of uncommenting a different line. The .xinitrc file only controls which applications are started when the X-Server initialises, in order to change the appearance of the window manager you must change it`s configuration file. |
cp /usr/local/X11R6.1/lib/X11/fvwm2rc .fvwm2rc
you can then edit this file to suit your personal preferences. The first thing I did was to change the tiled fvwm backdrop to a more subtle blue colour.
NetBSD has a long list of colour names that it understands and these are stored in the file /usr/local/X11R6.1/lib/X11/rgb.txt and include colours such as light sky blue, light salmon and peach puff.
For fvwm a utility such as xsetroot can be used to change the background colour for the default grey.
The second step in configuring the window manager to suit your needs is to edit the menu items. fvwm has two main menus. A Utilties menu that appears over the desktop and a Window Control menu that allows you to maximise and minimise windows. fvwm allows you to define the contents of both of these menus and even which mouse button you have to press for them to appear.
I've edited the Utilities menu to include some of the applications installed as part of last months tutorial. I've also added the new window managers included on this months CD (AFCD21) to the restart menu, so you can switch window manager at the click of a mouse.
Finally to complete the transformation of our desktop we`ll change the appearance of the button bar in the bottom right hand corner. The clock and CPU meter can stay, as they are quite useful, but the mail box flag is redundant on a machine that isn`t connected to a network. Instead we`ll replace this with a button to launch an xterm window.
The icons that fvwm and indeed all the window managers use can be found in /usr/local/X11R6.1/include/X11/pixmaps. You must take care to choose an icon that is the right size and doesn`t contain to many colours for your window manager.
I`ve also decided to rename my 3 virtual screens to misc, dev and web. You can see my new look fvwm screen here.
Also included on AFCD21 are 4 new window managers. They are all pre-compiled and come with installation and de-installation scripts, instructions can be found here. Best of all they can all co-exist on the same NetBSD installation, although you'll only be able to run one at a time.
Olwm is the Openlook Window Manager produced by SUN Microsystems and provided with their "Solaris" Operating System. As window managers go it takes a very simple approach. It doesn`t feature start menus or button bars but just a fully configurable menu system. Olvwm is indentical except it provides virtual screens and a pager to select them. olwm is the simplist of the window managers to configure as listing 2 shows...
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Finally we come to Fvwm95, a Windows95 style window manager. Before you turn over in disgust wait, Fvwm95 has taken the good bits from Windows95 (the user interface) and thrown away the bad bits (the rest of the operating system).
It is probably the most configurable window manager available offering a start menu, an applications menu, virtual screens, user definable keyboard shortcuts and 2 different button bars. Unfortunatly all this comes at a price. The configuration file is 865 lines long! Fortunatly with a few changes the supplied configuration is perfectly useable. |